Students’ Publications
- Bucay, MAC, DN Tandang, HW Chen, RR Rubite & K-F Chung. 2025. Morpho-anatomical description of new Begonia species (sect. Baryandra, Begoniaceae) from Butuan City, Mindanao Island, Philippines. Phytotaxa
- Bucay, MAC, DN Tandang, RR Rubite, E Jallores Jr & K-F Chung. 2024. A new Begonia species (sect. Baryandra, Begoniaceae) from Batangas Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. Phytotaxa
- Tsiareshyna M., Wang T. H., Lin, Y. S., Piorkowski, D., Huang, S. Y. T., Huang, Y. L., Chao, T., Chang, Y. J., Liao, C. P., Wang, P. H., & Tso, I. Min. 2024. Bacteria inhabiting spider webs enhance host silk extensibility. Scientific Reports.
- Mediodia, DP, C-H Chang, H-C Ho, T Přikryl & C-H Lin. 2024. A new cryptic species of splitfin fish from Taiwan with revision of the genus Synagrops (Acropomatiformes: Synagropidae). Zoological Studies
- F. Sun, M.R. Lu, Y.C. Liu, B.J.P. Shaw, C.P. Lin, H.W. Chen, Y.F. Lin, D.Z. Hoh, H.M. Ke, I.F. Wang, M.Y. J. Lu, E.B. Young, J. Millett., R. Kirschner, Y.C.J. Lin, Y.L. Chen & I.J. Tsai. 2024. An acidophilic fungus promotes prey digestion in a carnivorous plant. Nature Microbiology
- Chen, C.-W., Hsu, T.-C., Doan, H. S., Do, V. H., Luu, H. T., Le, V. S., Liu, Y.-C., Li, C.-W., Huang, Y.-M., Chung, K.-F. 2023. Studies of Vietnamese Pteridophyte Flora 2. Systematic Botany
- Chen, C.-W., Lindsay, S., Nitta, J., Rouhan, G., Sundue, M., Perrie, L.R., Huang, Y.-M., Chiou, W.-L., Chung, K.-F. 2023. Systematics and biogeography of the Old World fern genus Antrophyum. Cladistics.
- Q. Tuan, V D. Thong, N. T. Son, V. T. Tu, T. A. Tuan, N. T. Luong, N. T. Vy, H. T. Thanh, J. C.-C. Huang, G. Csorba, T. Görföl & M.N. Tuanmu. 2023. Potential individual and interactive effects of climate and land-cover changes on bats and implications for conservation planning: a case study in Vietnam. Biodiversity and Conservation.
- Amarga, A.K.S., Lin, W.-L., Fu, Y.-S, Fang, W.-H., Robbins, R.G., Lin, S.-M. 2023. Host associations of the snake tick Amblyomma cordiferum Neumann, 1899 (Ixodida: Ixodidae), with new host records from Taiwan. Systematic & Applied Acarology
- Amarga, A.K.S., Lin, J.-W., Tseng, H.-Y., Robbins, R.G., Kwak, M.L., Lin, S.-M. 2023. New host records of the reptile tick Amblyomma helvolum Koch (Ixodida: Ixodidae: Amblyomminae) in Taiwan. Systematics & Applied Acarology
- Amarga, A.K.S., Robbins, R.G., Lin, S.-M. 2023. Host associations of the Asian monitor lizard tick Amblyomma varanense (Supino, 1897) (Ixodida: Ixodidae), with a new host record from the Philippines. Systematics & Applied Acarology
- Kwak, M.L., Jones, M.D., Harman, M.E.A., Smithm S.N., D’souza, A., Knierim, T., Barnes, C.H., Waengsothorn, S., Amarga, A.K.S., Kuo, C.-C., Nakao, R. 2023. The East Indies reptile tick Amblyomma helvolum Koch, 1844 (Acari: Ixodidae), taxonomy, biology and new host records, including the first record of human infestation. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases.
- Supsup, C.E., Asis, A.A., Eslava, M.R.R., Domingo, J.P.S., Amarga, A.K.S., Carestia Jr., U.V., Cantil, J.A., delos Angeles, M.D., Acosta-Lagrada, L.S. 2023. Revisiting environmental management zones towards conserving globally important species in western Philippines. Journal for Nature Conservation
- Yi-Chien Lee, Huei-Mien Ke, Yu-Ching Liu, Hsin-Han Lee, Min-Chen Wang,Yung-Che Tseng, Taisei Kikuchi and Isheng Jason Tsai*. 2023. Single worm long-1 read sequencing reveals genome diversity in 2 free-living nematodes. Nucleic Acids Research
- Shih-Fan Chan, Dustin R. Rubenstein, I-Ching Chen, Yu-Meng Fan, Yuan-Wen Zheng and Sheng-Feng Shen*. 2023. Higher temperature variability in deforested mountain regions impacts the competitive advantage of nocturnal species. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences
- M.L.D. Lopez, Ya-ying Lin, Stephan Q. Schneider, Chih-hao Hsieh, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Ryuji J. Machida. 2023. Allometric scaling of interspecific RNA transcript abundance to extend the use of metatranscriptomics in characterizing complex communities. Molecular Ecology Resources
- Dreyer N., F. Palero*, M. J. Grygier, B. K. K. Chan*, J. Olesen*, 2023. Single-specimen systematics resolves the phylogeny and diversity conundrum of enigmatic crustacean y-larvae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
- Dreyer N., de Mattos F. Monteiro G., Jain D., Fong C.-L., De Vivo M., Wen Y.-H. V., Huang Y.-H., Mwihaki J. K., Lee H.-H., Tsai P.-C., Tsao Y.-F., Chan B. K. K., Tsai I. J., Machida R. J, Wang T.-Y., Wang J., 2023. The mitochondrial genome of Isognomon nucleus and mitogenomics of pteriomorphia (Bivalvia: Autobranchia). Journal of Molluscan Studies
- L. Kong, R. Machida. 2022. Development of transcriptomics-based growth rate indices in two model eukaryotes and relevance to metatranscriptomics datasets. Molecular Ecology Resources
- P. Kantha, S.T. Liu, J.L. Horng, Li-Yih Lin. 2022. Acute exposure to polystyrene nanoplastics impairs skin cells and ion regulation in zebrafish embryos. Aquatic Toxicology
- Y.J. Chen, Y.T. Chang, Y.C. Tseng and Y. Hsu. 2022. Responsiveness to contest experiences is associated with competitive ability but not aggressiveness or boldness. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- C. Cheng, Y.H. Chen, C. Chang, M.F. Chuang and Y. Hsu. 2022. Endurance rivalry and female choice jointly influence male mating success in the emerald treefrog (Zhangixalus prasinatus), a lek-chorusing anuran. BMC Zoology
- Z.Y. Shen, T. Terada, and Y.F. H. 2022. The Newly Recorded Fern-spore Feeding Moths in the Genus Calicotis, Meyrick 1889 (Lepidoptera: Stathmopodidae) from Taiwan, with Notes on Life History of Three Species. Zoological Studies
- C.W. Chen, Y.S. Chao, M.A.M. Andi et al. 2022. Insights into the systematics of Old World taenitidoid ferns (Pteridoideae; Pteridaceae): evidence from phylogeny and micromorphology. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society
- A.K.S.Amarga, C.E. Supsup c, H.Y. Tseng, M.L. Kwak, S.M. Lin. 2022. The Asian turtle tick Amblyomma geoemydae Cantor, 1847 (Acari: Ixodidae) in the Philippines: first confirmed local host and locality with a complete host index. Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases
- W.Chow, S. Keshavmurthy, J.D.Reimer, N.de Voogd, H.Huang, J.T. Wang, S.L. Tang,….and C.A. Chen. 2022. Population genetics and demography of the coral-killing cyanobacteriosponge, Terpios hoshinota, in the Indo-West Pacific. Peer J
- Z.D.Hoh, H.H. Lee, W. Naohisa,W.A. Liu, R.L. Min , C.K.Lai, H.M.Ke, P.F. Sun, .L.Tang, W.H. Chung, Y.L. Chen, Ch.L.Chung and I.J.Tsai*. 2022. Comparative genomic and transcriptomic analyses of trans-kingdom pathogen Fusarium solani species complex reveal degrees of compartmentalization. BMC Biology
- M.De Vivo, H.H. Lee, Y.S. Huang, N Dreyer, C.L. Fong , FMG de Mattos, D. Jain, YV Wen, JK Mwihaki, T.Y. Wang, RJ Machida, J.Wang ,BKK Chan, IJ Tsai. 2022. Utilisation of Oxford Nanopore sequencing to generate six complete gastropod mitochondrial genomes as part of a biodiversity curriculum. Scientific Reports
- Chen, C.-W., Perrie, L., Glenny, D., Chiou, W.-L., Fawcett, S., Smith, A.R., Parris, B. S., Ebihara, A., Ohlsen, D., Lehtonen, S., Dong, S.-Y., Lehnert, M., Field, A. R., Chao, Y.-S., Murdock, A. G.& Sundue, M. 2022. An annotated checklist of lycophytes and ferns of the Solomon Islands. Fern Gazette
- Ye, Y.-J., Huang, J.-P., Nguyen H.N., Villanueva, R.J.T., Amarga, A.K.S., Tseng, H.-Y. 2022. Comparative phylogeography in the Taiwan-Luzon Volcanic Belt indicates fast diversification history of Pachyrhynchus weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Insect Systematics and Diversity
- Tracy Jiaye Lee, Yu-Ching Liu, Wei-An Liu, Yu-Fei Lin, Hsin-Han Lee, Huei-Mien Ke, Jen-Pan Huang, Mei-Yeh Jade Lu, Chia-Lun Hsieh, Kuo-Fang Chung, Gianni Liti, and Isheng Jason Tsai*. Extensive sampling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Taiwan reveals ecology and evolution of predomesticated lineages. Genome Research
- De Vivo M, Huang J.P. 2022. Modeling the geographical distributions of Chordodes formosanus and its mantis hosts in Taiwan, with considerations for their niche overlaps. Ecology and Evolution
- Nguyen, Tham Thi;Ngo, Hanh Thi;Ha, Quynh Quy;Nguyen, Truong Quang;Le, Tuan Quang;Nguyen, Son Hoang;Pham, Cuong The;Ziegler, Thomas;van Schingen-Khan, Mona;Le, Minh Duc. 2022. Molecular phylogenetic analyses and ecological niche modeling provide new insights into threats to the endangered Crocodile Lizard (Shinisaurus crocodilurus). Frontiers of Biogeography
- Vu Dinh Thong*, Annette Denzinger,Vu Long,Nguyen Van Sang, Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen, Nguyen Hoang Thien, Nguyen Khanh Luong, Le Quang Tuan, Nguyen Manh Ha,Nguyen Thanh Luong and Hans-Ulrich Schnitzler. 2022. Importance of Mangroves for Bat Research and Conservation: A Case Study from Vietnam with Notes on Echolocation of Myotis hasselti. diversity
- Mulla, A.J., Lin, CH., Takahashi, S., Nozawa, Y. 2021. Photo-movement of coral larvae influences vertical positioning in the ocean. Coral Reefs
- Lin, CH., Takahashi, S., Mulla, A.J., Nozawa, Y. 2021. Moonrise timing is key for synchronized spawning in coral Dipsastraea speciosa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Nguyen M.K.; Shih T.-H.; Lin S.H.; Lin J.W.; Nguyen H.C. Yang, Z.W., Yang C.M. 2021. Transcription Profile Analysis of Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in Leaves of Wild-Type and Chlorophyll b-Deficient Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agriculture
- Nguyen M.K., Yang Z.W., Shih T.H., Lin S.H., Lin,J.W. Nguyen H. C., Yang C.M. 2021. Temperature-mediated shifts in chlorophyll biosynthesis in leaves of chlorophyll b-lacking rice (Oryza sativa L.) Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
- L. Ribas-Deulofeu, V. Denis, P.A. Château, C.A. Chen. 2021. Impacts of heat stress and storm events on the benthic communities of Kenting National Park (Taiwan). Peer J
- L. Ribas-Deulofeu, PA Château , V. Denis and C.A. Chen. 2021. Portraying Gradients of Structural Complexity in Coral Reefs Using Fine-Scale Depth Profiles. Frontiers in Marine Science.
- M.L.D. Lopez, YY Lin, M Sato, C.H. Hsieh, FK Shiah, RJ Machida. 2021. Using metatranscriptomics to estimate the diversity and composition of zooplankton communities. Molecular Ecology Resources
- Cristy S. Acabado, Yu-Hsin Cheng, Ming-Huei Chang and Chung-Chi Chen. 2021. Vertical Nitrate Flux Induced by Kelvin–Helmholtz Billows Over a Seamount in the Kuroshio. Frontiers in Marine Science
- Niklas Dreyer,Pei-Che Tsai,Jørgen Olesen,Gregory A. Kolbasov,Jens T. Høeg,Benny K. K. Chan. 2021. Independent and adaptive evolution of phenotypic novelties driven by coral symbiosis in barnacle larvae. Evolution
- Benny K K Chan, Niklas Dreyer, Andy S Gale, Henrik Glenner, Christine Ewers-Saucedo, Marcos Pérez-Losada, Gregory A Kolbasov, Keith A Crandall, Jens T Høeg. 2021. The evolutionary diversity of barnacles, with an updated classification of fossil and living forms. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
- De Vivo, W.H.Wang, K.H. Chen, and J.P. Huang. 2021. First detection of Colletotrichum fructicola (Ascomycota) on horsehair worms (Nematomorpha). Biodiversity Data Journal
- Amarga, A.K.S., Phelps, K.L. 2021. New host and distribution records of bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae, Nycteribiidae) on cave-dwelling bats from Bohol Island, Philippines. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
- Lin, S.-M., Li, T.-W., Liou, C.-H., Amarga, A.K.S., Cabras, A., Tseng, H.-Y. 2021. Eggs survive through avian guts- A possible mechanism for transoceanic dispersal of flightless weevils. Ecology and Evolution
- S Batucan Jr, Y-H Hsu, J.W Maliszewski, L-J Wang, C-P Lin. 2021. Novel wing display and divergent agonistic behaviors of two incipient Psolodesmus damselflies. Naturwissenschaften
- Nguyen, H.N., Hung, C., Yang, M., Lin S. 2020. Sympatric competitors have driven the evolution of temporal activity patterns in Cnemaspis geckos in Southeast Asia. Scientific Reports.
- R. Carballo‐Bolaños, A.D. Soto and CA Chen. 2020. Thermal Stress and Resilience of Corals in a Climate Changing World. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
- Keshavmurthy, CY Kuo, YY Huang, R Carballo-Bolaños PJ Meng, JT Wang, and CA Chen. 2020. Coral Reef Resilience in Taiwan: Lessons from Long-Term Ecological Research on the Coral Reefs of Kenting National Park (Taiwan). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
- J Peereman, JA Hogan and TC Lin*. 2020. Landscape Representation by a Permanent Forest Plot and Alternative Plot Designs in a Typhoon Hotspot, Fushan, Taiwan. Remote Sensing
- M.K. NGUYEN, T.H. SHIH*, S.H. LIN*, W.D HUANG##,+, and C.M. YANG. 2020. Transcription analysis of chlorophyll biosynthesis in wildtype and chlorophyll b-lacking rice (Oryza sativa L.). PHOTOSYNTHETICA
- Liu M., Chan S.F., Rubenstein, D.R. Sun S.J., Chen B.F. and Shen S.F.* 2020. Ecological transitions in grouping benefits explain the paradox of environmental quality and sociality. The American Naturalist.
- J.F. Karisa, D.O. Obura, and C.A. Chen*. 2020. Spatial heterogeneity of coral reef benthic communities in Kenya. PLOS ONE
- Le, M. H., and Wang, D. 2020. Structure and membership of gut microbial communities in multiple fish cryptic species under potential migratory effects. Scientific Reports
- Best, I. N., Shaner, P. J. L., Lo, H. Y., Pei, K. J. C., and Kuo, C. C. 2020. Bigger doesn’t mean bolder: behavioral variation of four wild rodent species to novelty and predation risk following a fast-slow continuum. Frontiers in Zoology
- Wang, M.C., Wang, Y.C., Peng, H.W., Hseu, J.R., Wu, G.C., Chang, C.F., and Tseng Y.C. (2020) Resveratrol Induces Expression of Metabolic and Antioxidant Machinery and Protects Tilapia under Cold Stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences
- Chen, B.-F., M. Liu, D. R. Rubenstein, S.-J. Sun, J.-N. Liu, Y.-H. Lin, and S.-F. Shen. 2020. A chemically-triggered transition from conflict to cooperation in burying beetles. Ecology Letters.
- Liu, M., B-F. Chen, D. R. Rubenstein, and S.-F. Shen. 2020. Social rank modulates how environmental quality influences cooperation and conflict within animal societies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
- Tsai, H.-Y., D. R. Rubenstein, B.-F. Chen, M. Liu, S.-F. Chan, D.-P. Chen, S.-J. Sun, T.-N. Yuan, and S.-F. Shen. 2020. Antagonistic effects of intraspecific cooperation and interspecific competition on thermal performance. eLife
- Tsai, H.-Y., D. R. Rubenstein, Y.-M. Fan, T.-N. Yuan, B-F. Chen, Y. Tang, I.-C. Chen and S.-F. Shen. 2020. Locally-adapted reproductive photoperiodism determines population vulnerability to climate change in burying beetles. Nature Communications
- Wong, J.Y., Chan, B.K.K. and Chan, K.Y.K. 2020. Swimming kinematics and hydrodynamics of barnacle larvae throughout development. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Wong, J.Y., Chan, B.K.K. and Chan, K.Y.K. 2020. Evolution of feeding shapes swimming kinematics of barnacle naupliar larvae: a comparison between trophic modes. Integrative Organismal Biology
- Viet D. H. Dang, CL Fong, JH Shiu and Y Nozawa*. 2020. Grazing effects of sea urchin Diadema savignyi on algal abundance and coral recruitment processes. Scientific Report
- Viet D. H. Dang, PY Cheung, CL Fong, AJ. Mulla, JH Shiu, CH Lin and Y Nozawa*. 2020. Sea Urchins Play an Increasingly Important Role for Coral Resilience Across Reefs in Taiwan. Frontiers in Marine Science
- G.J. Brandon-Mong, Grace T.W. Shaw, W.H. Chen, C.C. Chen and D. Wang*. 2020. A network approach to investigating the key microbes and stability of gut microbial communities in a mouse neuropathic pain model.. BMC Microbiology.
- M. K. Nguyen, T.H. Shih, S.H. Lin, W.D Huang, C.M. Yang. 2020. Transcription analysis of chlorophyll biosynthesis in wildtype and chlorophyll b-lacking rice (Oryza sativa L.). Photosynthetica
- S. Keshavmurthy, CY Kuo, YY Huang, R Carballo-Bolaños PJ Meng, JT Wang, and CA Chen. 2020. Coral Reef Resilience in Taiwan: Lessons from Long-Term Ecological Research on the Coral Reefs of Kenting National Park (Taiwan). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
- Niklas Dreyer, John D. Zardus, Jens T. Høeg, Jørgen Olesen, Meng-Chen Yu & Benny K. K. Chan .2020. How whale and dolphin barnacles attach to their hosts and the paradox of remarkably versatile attachment structures in cypris larvae. Organisms Diversity & Evolution.
- Niklas Dreyer, Benny K K Chan. 2020. The diversity and biology of symbiotic and parasitic crustaceans: an introduction. Journal of Crustacean Biology
- Mark J. Grygier,Jens T. Høeg, Niklas Dreyer, Jørgen Olesen 2019. A new internal structure of nauplius larvae: A“ghostly”supportsling for cypris y left within the exuviae of nauplius y aftermetamorphosis (Crustacea: Thecostraca: Facetotecta). Journal of Morphology
- Dreyer N., J. D. Zardus, J. T. Høeg, J. Olesen, M.-C. Yu, B. K. K. Chan*. 2020. How whale and dolphin barnacles attach to their hosts and the paradox of remarkably versatile attachment structures in cypris larvae. Organisms Diversity & Evolution
- Yu M.-C., N. Dreyer, G. A. Kolbasov, J. T. Høeg, B. K. K. Chan*. 2020. Sponge symbiosis is facilitated by adaptive evolution of larval sensory and attachment structures in barnacles. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES
- Best, I., & Pei, K.J.C. 2019. Factors influencing local attitudes towards the conservation of leopard cats Prionailurus bengalensis in rural Taiwan. Oryx, 1-7.
- Nguyen HN, Lu C-WW, Chu J-HH, Grismer LL, Hung C-MM, Lin S-MM. 2019. Historical demography of four gecko species specializing in boulder cave habitat: Implications in the evolutionary dead end hypothesis and conservation. Molecular Ecology.
- Murdoch ML, Grismer LL, Wood PJL,… HN Nguyen…et al. 2019. Six new species of the Cyrtodactylus intermedius complex (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Cardamom Mountains and associated highlands of Southeast Asia. Zootaxa.
- Lopez MLD and Papa RDS. 2019. Diversity and distribution of copepods (Class: Maxillopoda, Subclass: Copepoda) in groundwater habitats across Southeast Asia. Marine and Freshwater Research
- N Maynard, PA Château, OrcID, L Ribas-Deulofeu, OrcID and JL Liou. 2019. Using Internet Surveys to Estimate Visitors’ Willingness to Pay for Coral Reef Conservation in the Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Water
- ES. Darling, TR. McClanahan, J Maina….., CA Chen,….., L Ribas-Deulofeu et al. 2019. Social–environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature, Ecology & Evolution
- Santacruz-Castro, A. M. 2019. Regional variability in reproductive traits of the Acropora hyacinthus species complex in the Western Pacific Region. PLOS ONE
- R. Carballo-Bolaños V. Denis, YY Huang,S. Keshavmurthy, CA Chen. 2019. Temporal variation and photochemical efficiency of species in Symbiodinaceae associated with coral Leptoria phrygia (Scleractinia; Merulinidae) exposed to contrasting temperature regimes. PLOS ONE
- R.B. Dahl, E.E. Sigsgaard, G.M. Philip, F. Thomsen, R.D. Jørgensen, F. de Oliveira Torquato, L. Olsen, and P.R. Møller. 2019. The Sandy Zebra Shark: A New Color Morph of the Zebra Shark Stegostoma tigrinum, with a Redescription of the Species and a Revision of Its Nomenclature. Copeia
- M.J. Grygier, J.T. Høeg, N. Dreyer, and J. Olesen. 2019. A new internal structure of nauplius larvae: A “ghostly” support sling for cypris y left within the exuviae of nauplius y after metamorphosis (Crustacea: Thecostraca: Facetotecta). Journal of Morphology.
- Denis, V., D. Soto, S. De Palmas, Y. T. V. Lin, Y. Benayahu, Y. M. Huang, S.-L. Liu, J.-W. Chen, Q. Chen, N. Sturaro, M.-J. Ho, Y. Su, C. F. Dai, and C. A. Chen. 2019. Taiwan. Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems of the World:249-264. Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems, Springer
- M. J. Grygier, J. T. Høeg, N. Dreyer, Jørgen Olesen 2019. A new internal structure of nauplius larvae: A“ghostly”supportsling for cypris y left within the exuviae of nauplius y aftermetamorphosis (Crustacea: Thecostraca: Facetotecta). Journal of Morpholog
- W.L. Kong, T. Miki, Y.Y. Lin, W. Makino, J. Urabe, S.H. Gu, R.J. Machida. 2019. Nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal ratio as an index of animal growth rate. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods
- B. Dahl, E.E. Sigsgaard, G. Mwangi, P.F. Thomsen, R.D. Jørgensen, F. de Oliveira Torquato, L. Olsen, P.R. Møller. 2019. The Sandy Zebra Shark: A New Color Morph of the Zebra Shark Stegostoma tigrinum, with a Redescription of the Species and a Revision of Its Nomenclature. Copeia
- De Palmas S, Soto D, Denis V, Ho M, Chen CA. 2018. Molecular assessment of Pocillopora verrucosa (Scleractinia; Pocilloporidae) distribution along a depth gradient in Ludao, Taiwan. PeerJ 6:e5797
- Huang Y, Dang VD, Chang N, Wang J. 2018. Multiple large inversions and breakpoint rewiring of gene expression in the evolution of the fire ant social supergene. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
- Wong, J. Y., Chan, K. Y. K., & Chan, B. K. K. 2018. Phylogenetic, ecological and biomechanical constraints on larval form: a comparative morphological analysis of barnacle nauplii. PLoS ONE
- Chang C, Cheng YC, Lin SM. 2018. Influence of conspecific and heterospecific cues on phonotaxis behavior in a polyandrous treefrog. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
- Soto, D., De Palmas, S., Ho, M. J., Denis, V., & Chen, C. A. 2018. Spatial variation in the morphological traits of Pocillopora verrucosa along a depth gradient in Taiwan. PLoS ONE
- Sharma, H.P., Belant, J.L. & Shaner, P.-J.L.*. 2017. Attitudes towards conservation of the Endangered red panda Ailurus fulgens in Nepal: a case study in protected and non-protected areas.Oryx, 1-6
- Katuwal, H.B., Sharma, H.P.* & Parajuli, K. 2017. Anthropogenic impacts on the occurrence of the critically endangered Chinese pangolin (Manis pentadactyla) in Nepal. Journal of Mammalogy
- Denis V., Ribas-Deulofeu L., Sturaro N., Kuo C.Y., Chen C.A. 2017. A functional approach to the structural complexity of coral assemblages based on colony morphological features. Scientific Reports.
- Lin C-H, Nozawa Y. 2017. Variability of spawning time (lunar day) in Acropora versus merulinid corals: a 7-yr record of in situ coral spawning in Taiwan. Coral Reefs.
- CL Chung*, TJ Lee, M Akiba, HH Lee, TH Kuo, D Liu, HM Ke, T Yokoi, MB Roa, MJ Lu, YY Chang, PJ Ann, JN Tsai, CY Chen, SS Tzean, Y Ota, T Hattori, N Sahashi, RF Liou, T Kikuchi* and IJ Tsai*. 2017. Comparative and population genomics landscape of Phellinus noxius: a hypervariable fungus causing root rot in trees. Molecular Ecology.
- Chen, Y. L., Wang, C. H., Yang, F. C., Ismail, W., Wang, P. H., Shih, C. J., Wu, Y. C., & Chiang, Y. R. 2016. Culture-independent investigations suggest Comamonas testosteroni as the major androgen degrader in testosterone-treated sewage. Scientific report. (Revised, IF: 5.58)
- Edi Sudianto, Wu CS, Lin CP, and Chaw SM. 2016. Revisiting the phylogeny and plastomics of Pinaceae with two complete plastomes of Pseudolarix and Tsuga. Genome Biology and Evolution.(IF: 4.098)
- Yang, F. C., Chen, Y. L., Tang, S. L., Yu, C. P., Wang, P. H., Ismail, W., … & Chiang, Y. R. 2016. Integrated multi-omics analyses reveal the biochemical mechanisms and phylogenetic relevance of anaerobic androgen biodegradation in the environment. The ISME journal. (IF: 9.73, Rank: 2 % in Ecology)
- Pandey, P., Shaner, P. J. L., & Sharma, H. P. 2016. The wild boar as a driver of human-wildlife conflict in the protected park lands of Nepal. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 62(1), 103-108. (IF: 1.63, Rank: 55 % in Ecology)
- Ribas-Deulofeu, Denis V., De Palmas S., Kuo C.Y., Hsieh H.J., Chen C.A. 2016. Structure of benthic communities along the Taiwan latitudinal gradient. PLoS ONE 11(8): e0160601
- De Palmas S*; Denis V; Ribas-Deulofeu L; Loubeyres M; Woo S; Hwang SJ; Song JI; Chen CA. Symbiodinium associated with high-latitude scleractinian corals from Jeju Island, South Korea. 2015. Coral Reefs. 34, 919-925. (IF: 3.33, Rank: 6% in Marine & Freshwater Biology)
- Liu SYV; Chan CLC; Hsieh HJ; Fontana S; Wallace CC; Chen CA. Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) assays for sequencing mitochondrial genomes: the phylogenomic implications for Acropora staghorn corals (Scleractinia; Acroporidae). 2015. Marine Biology. 162, 1383-92. (IF: 2.39, Rank: 21 % in Marine & Freshwater Biology)
- Denis V; Ribas-Deulofeu L; Loubeyres M; De Palmas S; Hwang SJ; Woo S; Song JI; Chen CA. Recruitment of the subtropical coral Alveopora japonica in the temperate waters of Jeju Island, South Korea. 2015. Bulletin of Marine Science. 91, 85-96. (IF: 1.3, Rank: 56% in Marine & Freshwater Biology)
- Keshavmurthy S; Fontana S; Mezaki T; Gonzalez Ldel C; Chen CA. Doors are closing on early development in corals facing climate change. Scientific Reports. 2014. Sci Rep. 4, 5633. (IF: 5.57, Rank: 8% in Multidisiplinary Sciences)
- Nozawa Y, Lin C-H .2014. Effects of colony size and polyp position on polyp fecundity in the scleractinian coral genus Acropora. Coral Reefs 33:1057-1066
- Sun SJ1, Rubenstein DR2, Chen BF3, Chan SF3, Liu JN3, Liu M3, Hwang W4, Yang PS5, Shen SF6.2014. ,Climate-mediated Cooperation Promotes Niche Expansion. 13;3:e02440, eLife.
- Rahmani MR; Rahimian H; Ardalan M; Keshavmurthy S; Fontana S; Wallace CC; Chen CA. Acropora distribution patterns in the northern and northeastern Persian Gulf. Zoological Studies. 2013. Zool Stud. 52, 40. (IF: 0.77, Rank: 72% in Zoology)
- Keshavmurthy S; Yang SY; Alamaru A; Chuang YY; Pichon M; Obura D; Fontana S; De Palmas S; Stefani F; Benzoni F; MacDonald A; Noreen AM; Chen C; Wallace CC; Pillay RM; Denis V; Amri AY; Reimer JD; Mezaki T; Sheppard C; Loya Y; Abelson A; Mohammed MS; Baker AC; Mostafavi PG; Suharsono BA; Chen CA. DNA barcoding reveals the coral “laboratory-rat”, Stylophora pistillata encompasses multiple identities. Scientific Reports. 2013. Sci Rep. 3, 1520. (IF: 5.57, Rank: 8% in Multidisiplinary Sciences)
- Lin C-H, Soong K, Fan TY. 2013. Hourglass mechanism with temperature compensation in the diel periodicity of planulation of the coral, Seriatopora hystrix. PLoS One 8:e64584
- Keshavmurthy S; Hsu CM; Kuo CY; Denis V; Leung JKL; Fontana S; Hsieh HJ; Tsai WS; Su WC; Chen CA. Larval development of fertilized “pseudo-gynodioecious” eggs suggests a sexual pattern of gynodioecy in Galaxea fascicularis (Scleractinia: Euphyllidae). Zoological Studies. 2012. 51, 143-9. (IF: 0.77, Rank: 72% in Zoology)
- Fontana S*; Keshavmurthy S; Hsieh HJ; Denis V; Kuo CY; Hsu CM; Leung JK; Tsai WS; Wallace CC; Chen CA. Molecular evidence shows low species diversity of coral-associated hydroids in Acropora, PLoS ONE. 2012. 7, e50130. (IF: 3.23, Rank: 15% in Multidisiplinary Sciences)
Chen BF: underline means the student of BIODIV Program
*: means the correspondent author/student