Academia Sinica
National Taiwan Normal University
Tunghai University
Biodiversity Research Center | |
Wen-Hsiung Li Ph.D., Brown University, Providence, RI, USA Evolutionary genomics, molecular evolution, bioinformatics and computational biology, population genetics, human genetics | Benny K.K. Chan Ph.D., The University of Hong Kong Intertidal and supply-side ecology, barnacle ecology, larval ecology |
Chaolun Allen Chen Ph.D., James Cook University, Australia Evolutionary ecology and genetics of coral reefs, symbiosis, climate change biology | Yin-Ru Chiang Ph.D., University of Freiburg, Germany Physiology and metabolism of bacteria, biodegradation and bioremediation, and microbial metabolomics |
Sen-Lin Tang Ph.D., University of Melbourne, Australia Microbial biodiversity, genomics, metagenomics | John Wang Ph.D., Stanford University, USA Genetics, genomics, behavior, and evolution of social insects, genome evolution in nematodes |
Sheng-Feng Shen Ph.D., Cornell University, USA Behavioral ecology, sociobiology, evolutionary game theory, climate change ecology | Mao-Ning Tuanmu Ph.D., Michigan State University, USA Biogeography, biodiversity conservation, remote sensing |
Isheng Jason Tsai Ph.D., Imperial College, UK Evolution of parasitism and pathogenicity. Ecological genomics of fungi and nematodes. | Kuo-Fang Chung Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis, USA Plant Taxonomy, Evolution, Population Genetics, Biogeography |
Chih-Ming Hung Ph.D., University of Minnesota, USA Evolution, Population genetics, genomics, phylogeography | Ko-Hsuan Chen PhD, Duke University, Department of Biology, USA Microbial Ecology, Fungal Systematics, Plant-fungal symbiosis, Mycology, Microbiome |
Jen-Pan Huang PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Systematics, Conservation, The interface between Microevolutionary and Macroevolutionary processes | Chien-Hsiang Lin PhD, Institute of Earth Science, Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy Paleontology,Paleoecology,Conservation paleobiology,Marine ecology and conservation,Ichthyology and taxonomy,Otolith morphology |
Tzu-Hao Lin PhD, Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, National Taiwan University Ecoacoustics,Marine Ecology,Community Ecology,Ecological informatics | Hui-Yu Wang PhD, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, USA Life-history evolution, population ecology, fisheries statistics |
Yi-Jyun Luo PhD, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University Evolutionary Genomics,Evolutionary Developmental,Symbiosis | |
Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center | |
Lie-Fen Shyur Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan Herbal medicine biotechnology, cancer pharmacology, enzyme biotechnology | Wen-Chin Yang Ph.D., Université de la Méditerranée, France Natural products research, T cell biology, immunology, cancer biology and diabetes |
Genomics Research Center | |
Trees-Juen Chuang Ph.D., National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Bioinformatics, comparative & evolutionary genomics/transcriptomics, primate evolution | Tsung-Lin Li Ph.D., University of Cambridge, UK Natural product chemistry, microbial pathogenicity |
Institute of Cellular and Organismic Biology | |
Jr-Kai Yu Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, USA Developmental biology, evolution of development | Yi-Hsien Su Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, USA Developmental biology, gene regulatory network, evolutionary developmental biology |
Kinya G. Ota Ph.D., The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Japan Evolutionary developmental biology, comparative vertebrate anatomy, zoology | Yung-Che Tseng Ph.D., National Taiwan University, Taiwan Marine systeomics, Evolutionary and comparative physiology, Metabolic physiology |
Konstantin Khalturin Ph.D., Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Germany Zoology, Cell Biology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Molecular Biology | |
Institute of Chemistry | Institute of Information Science |
Steve S.-F. Yu Ph.D., National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Catalysis, Biocatalysis, and Inorganic Biochemistry | Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih Ph.D., National Central University, Taiwan Influenza virus evolution, functional genomics, comparative genomics, multimedia signal processing, pattern recognition |
Institute of Plant & Microbial Biology | Institute of Statistical Science |
Chih-Horng Kuo Ph.D., University of Georgia, USA Evolutionary and functional genomics of host-associated bacteria | Wei-Chung Liu Ph.D., Imperial College London, UK Mathematical biology, theoretical ecology, quantitative epidemiology, network biology, sociology, systems biology |
Chuan Ku Ph.D., Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf Algae, protists, giant viruses, genome evolution and regulation in eukaryotes, microbial interactions, marine microbiology | |
Institute of Molecular Biology | Research Center for Environmental Changes |
Jun-Yi Leu Ph.D., Yale University, USA Molecular mechanisms of speciation and genetic buffering | Tung-Yuan Ho Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA Marine biogeochemistry, marine phytoplankton ecology, environmental biogeochemistry |
NATIONAL TAIWAN NORMAL UNIVERSITY Department of Life Science, College of Science | |
Yuying Hsu Ph.D., Syracuse University, USA Animal contest, dog behavior, fish behavior | Shou-Hsien Li Ph.D., State University New York, Albany, USA Population genetics and evolution, topics in animal behavior |
Chung-Chi Chen Ph.D., University of Maryland, USA Ecological modelling, system ecology, planktonic ecology, estuarine ecology, nutrient dynamics, experimental ecosystems | Yu-Feng Hsu Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, USA Entomology, phylogenetic systematics |
Teng-Chiu Lin Ph.D., The University of Kansas, USA Forest ecology, landscape ecology | Chung-Ping Lin Ph.D., Cornell University, USA Treehopper Biology, Vibrational Communication, Molecular Systematics & Phylogenetics, Character Evolution, Phylogeography |
Pei-Chun Liao Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Population genetics; Molecular evolution; Phylogeography; Molecular ecology | Si-Min Lin Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Herpetology, phylogenetics and systematics, conservation genetics, phylogeography, population dynamics of amphibians and reptiles |
Tsu-Wei Wang Ph.D., University of Michigan, USA Neuroscience, developmental neurobiology, neural stem cell | Chi-Chien Kuo Ph.D., University of California, Davis, USA Disease Ecology, Ecological Immunology, Ecological Parasitology, Mammalogy |
Pei-Jen Lee Shaner Ph.D., University of Virginia, USA Small mammal population biology, foraging behavior, stable isotope ecology, ecological niche modeling | Li-Yih Lin Ph.D., National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan Fish Ecophysiology, Aquatic toxicology |
Yi-Shan Chao Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan Plant Taxonomy, Plant Systematics, Pteridophytes, Carnivorous Plants, Aquatic Plants | Joe Chun-Chia Huang Ph.D., Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, USA. Chiropterology, conservation ecology, bioacoustics, community ecology, tropical ecology |
TUNGHAI UNIVERITY Center for Ecology and Environment, Department of Life Science Links of THU Faculty | |
Jyh-Min Chiang Ohio University, Ph.D. Ecosystem ecology, plant ecophysiology, plant community ecology | Mingli Hsieh University of California, Los Angles, Ph.D. Neurodegenerative disorder, mitochondrial disease, molecular medicine |
Yiching Lin University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ph.D. Plant ecology, population and community ecology, quantitative ecology, spatial analysis | Hui-Chen Lin Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D. Physiological ecology, evolutionary physiology, aquatic biology and wetland ecology |
I-Min Tso University of Michigan, Ph.D. Behavior Ecology | Shao-Lun (Allen) Liu University of British Columbia, Ph.D. Phycology, molecular systematics, community ecology, molecular ecology |
Yi-Wen Liu Ph.D., National Defense Medical Center, Taiwan Zebrafish model, molecular genetics | Kuo-Chang Wen James Cook University, PhD Coral reef fish ecology, marine reserves, environmental impact assessment, marine field ecology and conservation biology |
Chung-Te Chang Ph.D., National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan Geospatial analysis, Remote sensing, Landscape Ecology | Li-Wei Wu Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan Biogeography, population genetics, Systematics, Butterfly conservation, Butterfly ecology and behavior |
Bin-Yan Hsu PhD, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Ornithology, Eco-Evolutionary Physiology, Evolutionary Ecology, Maternal Effects | |
Department of Chemistry | |
Min-Chieh Chuang National Cheng Kung University, Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry, electrochemistry, biosensors electrocatalysis, bioelectronics | Yuan-Hao Hsu University of California, Riverside, USA, Ph.D. Aging disease, biochemistry, medical applications of mass spectrometry |
Department of Statistics | |
Pao-Sheng Shen University of Kentucky Ph. D. Survival Analysis, analysis of variance components, sampling survey |